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Showing posts from March, 2025


That Other Germany 5 – Spa Town Baden –Baden

Alexandra Platz in the centre of town is where the buses stop. That's the Baden -Baden Casino on the left Although I had now passed through Baden -Baden a few times, I hadn’t really stopped to have a look at it as I was usually hurrying to catch another bus. The weather channel had predicted a change on my last day anyway, so I thought that would be a good time to have a look around and to visit one of the galleries I had wanted to see. No – one I knew had ever been to Baden -Baden, which I thought was rather odd, given that it was a well – known spa town and not too far away. When they said, “No, they hadn’t," they usually did so, with a slight sniff of disapproval. Do I detect a Calvinistic streak in this part of of the world which frowns on excessive indulgence or conspicuous displays of wealth?   I’d noticed a similar expression when my cousin and I were passing through Metzingen near Bad Urach. Apparently the latter is now a major Factory Outlet for big internationa...