My trip didn’t start out all that well. Almost as soon as I got to Europe I came down with a particularly nasty 'flu -Influenza A to be precise, which put me in hospital for the best part of the first week, despite having had a 'flu shot before I left. Although the hospital cleared me in time for the reunion and my granddaughter had to explore Europe on her own, I was often really tired and miserable and didn't manage to do half the things I'd planned. Nevertheless, it was lovely to see everyone again and I did manage to do a couple of side trips as well as a few excursions in the Stuttgart area. Many thanks to all the people who rang enquiring about my welfare - so many that, the hospital got quite cross and begged them to stop, also the doctors, nurses and staff and the very kind person -a complete stranger, who brought me a phone charger after my son put out a call on the internet). This is about all I saw of Switzerland, apart from the train in and out I neve...
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