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Showing posts from November, 2024


That Other Germany – not just Bratwurst and Beer

  My trip didn’t start out all that well. Almost as soon as I got to Europe I came down with a particularly nasty 'flu -Influenza A to be precise, which put me in hospital for the best part of the first week, despite having had a 'flu shot before I left. Although the hospital cleared me in time for the reunion and my granddaughter had to explore Europe on her own, I was often really tired and miserable and didn't manage to do half the things I'd planned. Nevertheless, it was lovely to see everyone again and I did manage to do a couple of side trips as well as a few excursions in the Stuttgart area.  Many thanks to all the people who rang enquiring about my welfare - so many that, the hospital got quite cross and begged them to stop, also the doctors, nurses and staff and the very kind person -a complete stranger, who brought me a phone charger after my son put out a call on the internet). This is about all I saw of Switzerland, apart from the train in and out I neve...

The Forest Kindergarten - It's messy, it's risky and loads of fun!

                  It  looked like the elves had gone out for the day  -Image with thanks from Ina Z.  Dear friends, I have been away for the last couple of months, something I hope to tell you more about later, but among the more positive experiences was an encounter with a Forest Kindergarten. These are really BIG in Germany, but have started to take off in other countries too. I came upon the Forest Kindergarten movement quite by accident when I stumbled upon one in a German wood. Being vacant at the time, it looked like elves lived there. It had a garden with thriving tomatoes, a swing made from a round log and ropes or twine, a well stocked toolshed with diminutive spades, places to eat even when the sun wasn’t shining, lovely mobiles made of twigs snd found objects and a path decorated with mosaics which led through the garden.  Visual Calendar of Activities -Image with thanks from Ina Z.  Forest Kinder...

Are You a Groupie? - Facebook Groups that I have joined and loved and some I'm tempted to join

Who would have thought the Peeling Peeling Paint Appreciation Society would have so many fans When I’m feeling flat, there are a number of groups which I turn to for a bit of inspiration. I am for example, a member of a lot of beautiful nature -based groups such as the Cloud Appreciation Society , Waterfalls of Tasmania, the Citizen Scientists, ones about Birds, Fungi, Auroras , Geology, Bees, Birds with Threatening Auras and the Moss Appreciation Society, There are also quite a few community groups and things like the Rail Trails and Abandoned Industrial Sites .  There are also funny ones like the Leunig or The Far -side Collections, or witty, pithy quotes and put -downs by former Prime Minister, Paul Keating and subtly funny ones like Mistranslations, Misheard Lyrics and funny signs, or those like the Grammar Police , to which I just signed up my sister. Oldest son is a member of both the Dull Men’s Club (1.3 M members) and the Canberra Lawn Fanatics. You’d be surprise...

In the Swim – A New Deal for People with Disabilities

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND Meanwhile, down South we are thinking about summer. Are you beach ready? I’m not talking about getting your body in shape and getting a fake tan. I’m talking about getting your beach ready for everyone. To feel weightless and experience the total sensory overload of being in the sea is wonderful and healthy for everyone, but especially for those with disabilities . We have already seen for some time how various cities have endeavoured to become more accessible to all. Buildings have better access – ramps and lifts, rather than stairs, wider doorways and toilets that can accommodate wheelchairs. Footpaths have curb cuts for prams and wheelchairs and to make walking easier for those with other mobility problems. I have been very grateful for those myself all too recently.   Now many holiday spots around the world are working hard to make beaches accessible to those who are wheelchair bound. Take a look at some of ...