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Showing posts from October, 2024


More Good News

-Taken from Norway's Consumer Law Advisory Let's celebrate the arrival of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere with a bit of Good News. The following story and the one about refilling has been shared by the Wolf of X. With respect to earlier articles about teen Mental Health, Social Media and Body Image , Norway now has a law which requires influencers and those engaged in advertising or making images to be viewed on social media, to declare when an image has been manipulated, retouched and so on. Here's the gist of it according to from Norway's Consumer Law Authority . " From July 1st, 2022, the Marketing Control Act Section 2 Second Paragraph has required a standardized label to be applied to all advertising in which body shape, size, or skin is altered through retouching or other manipulation. The purpose of this new legal rule is to combat body-image pressure in society which can be attributed to idealized people in advertising. The requirement to label retouched...

Now that’s a Great Idea!

  Now that it's well and truly autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, here's what you or your local council could do with those pesky leaves, rather than sending them to landfill Ukraine -start -up ReLeaf uses fallen leaves to make paper. Its Paris based facility is already producing 3 million paper carrier bags a year, Landscapers drop off supplies and they are turned into paper using a zero sulphur and chlorine process,   and much less water and fewer emissions than conventional paper. Only the fibre is used for paper, the rest goes back as fertiliser. Read More at the Good News Network.    Orange Energy? In more plant - based news, Seville is turning oranges into energy .  Supporting Bees and Pollinators The State of Colorado has given out 100,000 free packets of seeds to children this summer as part of it's National Pollinator Awareness Week in June in an effort to save its declining bee populations. Parks, Museums and Libraries and 80 little free libra...

S.O.S. - Save our Small Shops

  -Image generated by Bing AI I was in town the other day and very sad to see so many of our small shops struggling. Many already had for lease signs or had changed hands. Even McCann’s Music Store in its landmark building had become a thrift shop after 142 years. Given the current economic climate, charity shops are about the only businesses which seem to be thriving, with the possible exception of noodle and sushi shops and new, old -fashioned   barbershops -–a lot of our young men are sporting beards these days. This is a great pity since it is the variety of little shops which bring life and colour to the city. In these days of globalisation – where the same brands appear on every main street, what apart from a few landmarks and historic buildings makes a city unique and special? I’m thinking here of the tiny shops crammed into every nook and cranny in Budapest, each one different from the next and each bringing its own special flavour and personality to the overall ...

Flowers for the Teacher - International Teachers Day – October 5

-Thanks to James DeMers per Pixabay for the lovely photo  Today is the day to tell your favourite teacher how much you appreciate them.   How you do it, is up to you, but here are some ideas from various countries. Not all of them celebrate on the same day. Some prefer the date of a prominent educator or other important influence on education. In the USA National Teacher’s Day is celebrated on the first Tuesday of the first full week in May. Students show their appreciation with cards and flowers and some communities organise special events.  In South Korea, Teacher’s Day is celebrated in February with children bringing red carnations and small gifts. India celebrates on September 5, with students organising events and putting on drama performances, reciting poems and singing traditional songs. Senior students teach classes on the day, while former students may visit to pay their respects to their former teachers and bring them a rose.  China celebrates o...