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Now that’s a Great Idea!


Now that it's well and truly autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, here's what you or your local council could do with those pesky leaves, rather than sending them to landfill

Ukraine -start -up ReLeaf uses fallen leaves to make paper. Its Paris based facility is already producing 3 million paper carrier bags a year, Landscapers drop off supplies and they are turned into paper using a zero sulphur and chlorine process,  and much less water and fewer emissions than conventional paper. Only the fibre is used for paper, the rest goes back as fertiliser. Read More at the Good News Network. 

 Orange Energy?

In more plant - based news, Seville is turning oranges into energy

Supporting Bees and Pollinators

The State of Colorado has given out 100,000 free packets of seeds to children this summer as part of it's National Pollinator Awareness Week in June in an effort to save its declining bee populations. Parks, Museums and Libraries and 80 little free libraries all helped to distribute them.
