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Showing posts from June, 2022


…Two Giant Leaps Backwards

  - by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND Just in case you were thinking that the world and especially the USA was becoming a kinder more humane place, there have been a couple of setbacks in recent months which could make you change your mind and not just in the USA either. 1. US Abortion rights repealed The most recent of these was on 22/6/2022 when the US Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade which gave American women the right to abortion.This means that 26 states will now either make abortion illegal or severely restrict it. States where abortion is likely to become illegal are shown here .   I am still at a loss to understand how in a supposedly democratic country, nine unelected officials – several of them Trump appointees, can decide what will happen to millions of women and overturn a precedent that has been in force since 1973. Among other developed nations only Poland and Malta have such draconian laws and both countries have come under considera...