This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC Not all countries keep records and many scams go unreported, but according to t ruecaller 's latest report, between July 2020 and June 2021, 59.49 million Americans lost around $USD $29.8 billion in the USA alone. Statistica which has been documenting similar trends, anticipates that those figures will only keep rising as more people and businesses rely on online services and more people work from home, where things might not be as secure. The site scam detector not only has a huge list of potential scams to watch out for but very quickly verifies the authenticity of any website. As you can see scammers are getting more creative and sophisticated all the time. I will just be mentioning a few of the more common ones here, but the best defence is to inform yourself as much as possible so you are less likely to be taken in. While Australia's Scamwatch hasn’t been much help in getting my money ba...
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