OK. They are a bit moth -eaten, which is rather how my fortunes feel at the moment, but wish you luck anyway! |
I really, really want to believe in Luck in 2012, so daughter and I went out early this morning to hunt for wild four leaf clovers. I also made a lucky pig. Pigs are lucky in German culture as are chimney sweeps and lady birds. Pigs are considered lucky in China too. I suppose if you were wandering through a snow -covered wasteland in the dead of winter and found a pig, you would feel pretty lucky too, if you didn't happen to be a vegetarian. It wouldn't be all that lucky for the pig either. Sighting a chimney sweep or a lump of coal is considered lucky in Scotland as well, what with those bracing winters. I'd probably be happy enough at the sight of a plumber or any sort of tradesperson during the holidays here, not that I have need of one at this moment.
On New Year we like to do a bit of lighthearted fortune telling to help people stay awake until midnight. Although not all customs and traditions are benign just for being repeated from generation to generation, this one seems pretty harmless. Should you want to look up your own and don't have anyone to read yours, here are a few links to follow. Have fun and don't take it too seriously!
Or nibble a Fortune Cookie by clicking this link
Or try the Crystal Ball
And there is another whole page of them here
Good Luck!