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Other magical plants and gardens

A gaggle of Granny's Bonnets
 Roses are not the only flowers putting on a show. I was also very taken with the much more modest aquilegias (Columbines or Granny's Bonnets) which for some reason are also very striking this year. Must be all that rain!
Pink Ones


Yellow Granny's Bonnets, same garden

Since Hobart has so many lovely old houses, you also see many plants that you rarely elsewhere. People also still take the time to plant annuals and the climate is kinder to European style cottage plants, though the natives can beautiful as well.
Purple and two different pinks

The mysterious Solomon's Seal

An Army of Irises guard this fence

Irises, Silver Beet and Granny's Bonnets
 This is a proper cottage garden. They were a mixture of vegetables and flowers. Many of the little old cottages have hardly any garden at all - neither do new places like mine, in the interests of denser living. This way you still have something to eat. And who said silverbeet couldn't beautiful? These surely are.

Yes, the silverbeet is doing exceptionally well this year.

So is this artichoke

Truly, there is a house under here

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Grand designs -surely one of the world's finest cubbies
N0, I didn't make this, but I wish I had thought of it!


Tegs said…
Our chard is also doing exceptionally well, it's taller than the corn ever was, and is nearly as high as the sunflowers were! Last year's lettuce also turned out to be particularly fecund, the garden bed is full of self-seeded lettuce and there's even some growing in the strip of grass up the middle of the driveway!
Tegs said…
Our chard is also doing exceptionally well, it's taller than the corn ever was, and is nearly as high as the sunflowers were! Last year's lettuce also turned out to be particularly fecund, the garden bed is full of self-seeded lettuce and there's even some growing in the strip of grass up the middle of the driveway!