I really just liked the name of this one in South Hobart, though it does have good posters inside No, there’s nothing wrong with the washing machine, cross your fingers and praise the deity - I just thought these were rather nice. I am working on something positive at the moment, but it's taking a bit longer than it should, so I am just putting these in to keep you visually amused. I was going to take my sister on a special laundry tour of Hobart, but after the Rivulet excursion I thought she would be less than excited. Oh well. You win some, you lose some. Once upon a time doing the washing was a social event as women gathered around the village pump or stream. They still do it in places like Bali and rural Nepal. These places just embody elements of that community spirit. This is where you find out what’s going on in the neighbourhood and possibly meet some of the neighbours at a time when they aren’t too busy to have a leisurely chat. It beats watching the dryer...
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