I have seen so many ghost towns this last week that the mystery is no longer why so many places disappear, but why in fact, any survive.
Mostly relics of the 1890s gold rushes, there isn’t usually a lot to see.Niagara and Comet Vale are typical - just a clearing with bits of broken crockery, a few rusting sheets of tin, lots of broken bottles with the glass turning blue or purple and of course a gigantic mullock heap or three.
While the township of Niagara has disappeared, the dam built nearby to service the railway and the town of Menzies still stands in a most spectacular setting. Though water failed to fill the dam, ground water in abundance was found near the town, and the dam became redundant. The road is terrible and the warnings are dire, but it is a lovely place to camp.
At Siberia there are about a dozen graves – one of them a child’s, in a shallow semi- circle. The only sound is the wind rushing through the trees. At Goongarrie (1893 – 1903), once a busy coaching stop between Coolgardie and Menzies until the coming of the railway, there are still a few stone railway cottages.
Then there are the ‘living’ ghost towns. That is, they at least have a working pub and or mine. These include Agnew, Broad Arrow, Ora Banda and Kookyne.
Some of the impressive ruins at Kookyne - a living ghost town
As well as a working pub and impressive ruins, Kookyne is nicely signposted with photographs and stories to give you a good idea of just how big and bustling this town was and about what life was like in its heyday. There were several mines working around Kookyne but it was rising water in the Cosmopolitan Mine which led to its closure in 1911 and the subsequent demise of the town.
Gwalia, south -west of Leonora, is also a fascinating place, less because of it’s grand buildings such as the State Hotel or the house on the hill built by Herbert Hoover (then the mine manager, but who went on to become President of the United States), but because of the tiny corrugated iron cottages that the miners lived in. Vernacular architecture is usually ephemeral and consigned to the dustbin of history as not worthy of preservation, yet here it is possible to see how ordinary people lived. It is a credit to the people of Leonora that they have found an ingenious way to preserve them.
No modern miner who sees the conditions their predecessors endured will ever again complain about his/ her SMQ
In 1995 these cottages were auctioned off to the people of Leonora to ensure their survival. Otherwise, very little of ordinary people's lives has survived on the goldfields.
The Survivors
Since the advent of efficient personal transportation, the survivors include Mt. Magnet, Sandstone, Leonora and Menzies. Though not as big as they once were, they have charming old buildings which endear them to tourists and provide services to the mining industry and travellers.
Westonia, not far from Northam is another surprise. Though much has gone, as evidenced by the attractive murals and mock buildings, it too has had a recent revival and harbours a modern telecentre, a conference centre and elaborate sports facilities away from the main street. Mercifully it is also on a sealed road, not far from the main highway.*
"Westonia -more than just a facade" says the sign on the highway.It has also had more than one revival.
Except for Westonia, most of these places are part of 965 Kilometre Golden Quest Trail which starts at Kalgoorlie or Coolgardie and their stories can be found on various plaques, along with a little about the local flora, fauna and geology.
Another interesting route is the Miner’s Pathway that starts at Payne’s Find and runs through Mt. Magnet to Meekathara and across to Sandstone.
Kalgoorlie has been the big winner in all this. I suspect that all those who made their fortune must have moved here. True, the red light district may no longer be as busy, but most of its elaborate pubs are still going. There are lots of fantastic buildings in Hannan Street and the “Golden Mile” shows no sign of slowing down either. Nor has Kalgoorlie forgotten its benefactors – Paddy Hannan, who found the gold and C.Y. O’ Connor who designed the weir at Mundaring and the pipeline to pump water uphill five hundred and fifty kilometres, are commemorated in the main street.That's as far as from Scotland to London or almost the length of the Rhine for those of you who can't imagine what a feat that was.
1. There are lots of large kangaroos on this route and four -trailer road trains carrying heavy equipment and explosives. You may also encounter the occasional large wedge -tailed eagle, stray goats and free ranging Brahmin cattle and the whole area is subject to extensive flooding, though looking at it today, that’s hard to believe.
2. Oh yes, and don’t believe locals when they tell you that “No the road isn’t sealed, but it’s a good dirt road,” or that “It’s just a little way off the highway.” They all drive big fat four wheel drives or utes that are built like tanks and to them a hundred kilometres is neither here nor there in this vast country. Take plenty of water and make sure you have enough fuel to get back, even if it does cost $1.70 a litre.
3. For safety reasons, stay away from any active mining operations and watch out for abandoned mine shafts at deserted ones.
4. You need a Miner’s Right before you go prospecting on Crown Land. To prospect on Pastoral Leases you need to notify the pastoralist.