Painterly Gulls against a painted sky |
I started early on Thursday. It was so cold that I wore gloves for the first half of the trip and wondered if I shouldn’t have worn my
thermals. Sea birds wheeled and screeched while clouds
the colour of bruises, were being whipped across the sky by a savage wind.
Hunched down and with my hands thrust deeply into my pockets, I walked the 4.3 Km from Howrah to Tranmere. Mostly the light was too poor to take pictures and
when occasionally a fleeting patch of sun cast an unearthly spotlight upon some
feature or other - Droughty Point never looked so good - my reflexes were too
slow to capture it. I didn’t even get a photo of the two large ships which
appeared to be mating in the river. Swinging around on their anchors, they first chased each other, then faced each other bow to bow as if they were communicating something deep and meaningful.Then they turned their backs upon one another like a long married couple. I could have invented a whole future for them if the weather had
been a bit kinder. As it was, a bus trundled by just as I reached a bus stop at the far end
of the walk and I hurried to catch it, glad to be out of the wind.
Making Tracks |
Somewhat refreshed and obviously a glutton for punishment, I drove to
Lauderdale on that narrow isthmus which almost divides the South Arm Peninsula in two and
started walking north on the other side towards Seven Mile Beach, reasoning that if the
wind was blowing on the western shore, the eastern side should be more
sheltered. This was almost true though it was jumper on, jumper off most of the
way, proving the old Tasmanian adage – “Don’t like the weather? Don't worry. In five
minutes there’ll be something else.”
Treasures at my feet -Sponges and Bull Kelp, huge black Scallop Shells |
The track first goes along the beach for two kilometres, then
rises to Single Hill, passing by seats and a picnic spot or two and has superb views of Frederick
Henry Bay. It is a place of panoramic seascapes and cloudscapes to which my camera does not do justice. There are not many shells but the sea does throw up treasures – sponges and bull
kelp, huge black scallop shells, pewter and gold oyster shells, which dazzle like
coins in the intermittent sunshine. Occasionally there are touches of Ming blue or hot pink. There are also a couple of unusual finds, some of which I have not yet been able to identify.
There were several kinds of blue shells here too - a colour you rarely see on the beach, apart from the waves of course |
Shark Egg? |
Mystery Object #1 It is only about the size of a 10c Coin |
Mystery Object #2 These things are about the size and colour of egg cartons, but many come with shells attached. There are a lot of them around Roches Beach but I have never seen them before. Some children I met said that they squirt water when you jump on them so I thought they might be some kind of sea anemone. | |
Pretty Interloper - i.e. not native to the area, nor is the next plant, though I have no idea what it is |
View from the top of Single Hill - A Crab Apple perhaps, looking at the leaves | | |
The weather improves on nearing Seven Mile Beach |
Estuary at the end of the line |
By the time I reached the great white arc of Seven Mile
Beach, I was relieved to find another bus stop. I am always good at getting
somewhere, but not always so excited about walking back. The bus when it
finally came, only went a short distance to Acton Road before turning right and
heading north rather than south towards Lauderdale. I had drunk all my water by
this time and was disappointed to learn after waiting for a long time at
another bus stop that looked as if it was going in that direction, that those buses
no longer run, so it was a long walk almost to Roche’s Beach again. Luckily, a
brave man did give me a lift at that stage and I was spared the last two
Kilometres along the beach. I was very glad to see my forlorn looking car waiting in
the picnic ground (I like to think it is pleased to see me too) and even more pleased to see my thermos. Having walked around 14 Km, I was also rather
sure that I must have lost lots of weight. Alas, when I jumped on the scales at home, I weighed
precisely one Kilogram more than I did yesterday. Hope it's because I have gained muscle. It couldn't possibly have had anything to do with the excellent fish and chips I had at Rokeby.